Residency Calculator 1.11 Released
Landscape mode now displays in split screen with locations and entry exit dates.
Anything and everything to do with the Residency Calculator app.
Landscape mode now displays in split screen with locations and entry exit dates.
WARNING: The next version of Residency Calculator will need Android 10 or higher to run.
Fixed selected locations and dates not deleting if the screen is rotated after selecting locations and dates.
When a location has been selected (either for export or delete), the add new location button is now disabled.
Fixed calculation of days stayed resulting in negative days.
When changing entry/exit dates, non-spinner calendars could select dates that are disabled. Made these calendars validate the selected date before saving and corrupting the entry/exit dates. The validation occurs when “ok” is pressed. A message will pop-up if validation fails.
Now with the ability to predict pass dates.
For special condition calculations, if the calculation “to date” is after the last date for the given location and the last date is an entry date, the predicted pass date is shown.
Added special condition calculator for Canadian Citizenship.
Fixed a bug where unhighlighted locations would get deleted.
Fixed a bug where the calculate “to date” would reset when the screen is rotated. This would only happen when there is only one entry date and that entry date is today or a future date.
Colour theme has been changed away from the default. YAY!
Can now export and import locations. Duplicate location names are allowed, but they are treated as different locations. Requires new permissions to read and write to external storage.
Modified the Residency Calculator page change date picker title to be Change “to date”.
Added blank line separation before Australian Citizenship calculation result.
Updated help for changing and deleting dates.
Updated help with more details about the Residency Calculator page.
Added about box.
Known issue with Residency Calculator.
This issue seems to be a problem only with Android 5.1.1 Lollipop.
If you change an entry/exit date that is not the last date, there is a maximum date limit that you can change the entry/exit date to. This maximum date limit is the day just before the next entry/exit date. The issue is, the maximum date limit date cannot be picked when in calendar mode.
The easiest way around this issue is to use spinner for date selection.
I have tested this issue on Android 6.0 Marshmallow, 7.0 Nougat and 8.1 Oreo, and it works fine. I guess it is an Android calendar date picking bug.